Stone is one of the most durable, low maintenance substances available for any flooring project.  But having stone installed requires a significant investment of time and money, so it’s a good idea to protect that investment.  Particularly when it comes to the softer or more porous surfaces, like marble or sandstone, it’s worth applying a sealant to the floor.

Plenty of services exist that will help pick the best sealant for a stone floor – there are as many types of sealant as there are types of stone.  Sealants can be roughly divided into two categories: coatings and impregnators.  A coating sits on top of the stone, and an impregnator soaks into the top layers of the stone itself.

Coating sealants are simple to apply without too much hassle or expense, but they scratch easily, and sometimes turn yellow under sunlight. Coating sealers are frequently used on slate floors to reduce fine dust particles, enhancing colour and making cleaning easier.  Impregnators are easy to apply (two thin coats are generally required), last longer than coatings, and don’t change colour under ultra-violet light, nor do they change the natural colour of the stone. Most surface or coating sealants are water based so they don’t present any fumes or nasty smells when applying them.

Most of the sealants offered by Bellstone are penetrating sealers or impregnators which allow moisture in the stone to evaporate and escape as a gas.  It also means that any moisture (and stain agents) on the stone surface will not be able to penetrate the barrier set up by the sealant.
